Stratford City Council
Regular Council Open Session

Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall
Council Present:
  • Mayor Ritsma - Chair Presiding, 
  • Councillor Biehn, 
  • Councillor Briscoe, 
  • Councillor Burbach, 
  • Councillor Henderson, 
  • Councillor Hunter, 
  • Councillor McCabe, 
  • Councillor Nijjar, 
  • Councillor Sebben, 
  • and Councillor Wordofa 
Staff Present:
  • Joan Thomson - Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Tatiana Dafoe - City Clerk, 
  • Kim McElroy - Director of Social Services, 
  • Tim Wolfe - Director of Community Services, 
  • Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, 
  • Karmen Krueger - Director of Corporate Services, 
  • Adam Betteridge - Director of Building and Planning Services, 
  • Neil Anderson - Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, 
  • and Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk 

To watch the Council meeting live, please click the following link:

A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.

Mayor Ritsma, Chair presiding, to call the Council meeting to order.

Councillor Beatty provided regrets for this meeting. 

Land Acknowledgment

Moment of Silent Reflection

Singing of O Canada

Respectful Conduct Statement

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and to otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest



  • Motion by

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford dated November 25, 2024, be adopted as printed.

  • Motion by

    ​THAT the Addendum/Addenda to the Regular Agenda of Council and Standing Committees dated December 16 2024, be added to the Agenda as printed.

4.1 Confidential Report of the Chief Executive Officer of investStratford with respect to the 2024 Annual Review of the City Industrial Land Pricing Policy - (CM-24-11) - Proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(c)) (includes municipal property leased for more than 21 years).

  • Motion by

    THAT the Industrial Land Prices Policy E.1.2 be amended as follows:

    • the price per acre for Lot 2 in the Crane West Business Park be increased from $250,000 per acre to $350,000 per acre;
    • the price per acre for Lot 3 in the Crane West Business Park be increased from $250,000 per acre to $350,000 per acre;
    • the price per acre for Lot 4 in the Crane West Business Park be increased from $250,000 per acre to $350,000 per acre effective upon the transfer of lot ownership back to the City;
    • the price per acre for 105 Wright Blvd. in the Wright Business Park be increased from $250,000 to $350,000 per acre effective June 1, 2025 should the current Agreement of Purchase and Sale not close by this date, and be subject to pricing adjustments for developable versus non-developable;
    • the price per acre for the 4.7-acre parcel in the Wright Business Park be increased to from $250,000 to $350,000 per acre should it become accessible with a future road or is sold to owners of 530 Wright Blvd;
    • the lands that are non-developable due to topography, soil conditions, environmental constraints and other factors be increased from $40,000 per acre to $60,000 per acre.

    AND THAT the Industrial Land Prices Policy E.1.2 be amended to include the following housekeeping amendments:

    • Section 2 be changed to: "That all agreements of purchase and sale state that if the building permits and construction conditions are not met within the specified time, then the property may be purchased back by the City at the price it was sold minus real estate commissions and other expenses incurred on behalf of the City."
    • Section 4 be changed to: "That in addition to the purchase price, the purchaser pay a set connection cost from services located within the boulevard into the lot, and that the Engineering Department determine the said connection costs."

4.1 Confidential Report of the Chief Executive Officer of investStratford and the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Stratford with respect to the Affordable Housing Purchase Proposal Update - (CM-24-13) - Proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(c)) (includes municipal property leased for more than 21 years), and A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(k)).

  • Motion by

    THAT the Council meeting adjourn to a Public Meeting under the Building Code Act to hear from members of the public on the proposed changes to the Building By-law 112-2005, as amended, to increase permit fees for all types of building permits effective February 1, 2025.

Mark Viani, SDSS Hockey Coach, is requesting Council consider an Exemption to the Facilities Code of Conduct Policy (C.1.13) for the December 20, 2024, school hockey game at the Rotary Complex to allow noise makers to be used during the game by the SDSS Spirit Committee. 

For consideration by Council.

Following the presentation of the application by the City, Punya Sagar Marahatta, Founder/Director MDPS Planning Services and Cameron Moffat, Project Manager MTE Consultants, agents for the applicant, will be present to answer questions from Council. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Punya Sagar Marahatta and Cameron Moffat be heard.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Zoning By-law amendment, as recommended by staff for application Z07-22 to rezone the subject lands municipally known as 3980 Road 111 to Residential Fourth Density Zone with site specific regulations (R4), BE APPROVED.

    THAT the Official Plan amendment, as recommended by staff for application OPA 001-22 to redesignate the subject lands municipally known as 3980 Road 111 to Medium Density Residential BE APPROVED.

    THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision 31T-2201, submitted by Paradize Properties Development Ltd. prepared by Municipal Development and Planning Services Inc. (MDPS), dated August 28, 2024 for lands known municipally as 3980 Road 111 originally surveyed by Trevor D.A. Mc Neill, O.L.S.,  on May 3,2022, , BE APROVED by the City of Stratford pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act subject to the conditions listed in Attachment 3 to Report COU24-152).

    Approval of the Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments, and the Draft Plan of Subdivision is recommended for the following reasons:

    1. Public interest was considered;
    2. The recommended approvals are consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement;
    3. The recommended Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments will facilitate development that is appropriate for the lands;
    4. It will provide for a range of housing types to meet the needs of existing and future residents; and
    5. It is an efficient use of land and infrastructure.
  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to execute an agreement with The Humane Society of Kitchener-Waterloo & Stratford-Perth (SPHS) for the provision of animal control and pound services for the City of Stratford, covering a term from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2028.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Tender (T-2024-34) for the supply and delivery of bedding plants in 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 be awarded to Ontario Oasis in the amount of $113,001.60 per year (including HST).

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT a by-law to authorize an interim tax levy for 2025 and establish the interim tax due dates for the fiscal year 2025 be adopted.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT a by-law to authorize the temporary borrowing of funds from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal period ending December 31, 2025, be adopted.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Tender (T-2024-31) for the removal of designated trees and stumps in 2025, be awarded to Tree Tech Tree and Property Maintenance Specialists Inc. in the amount of $66,735.54, including HST;

    THAT the Tender (T-2024-31) for the removal of designated stumps in 2025, be awarded to Tree Tech Tree and Property Maintenance Specialists Inc. in the amount of $11,342.94, including HST;

    AND THAT the Tender (T-2024-31) for the regular, overtime, and emergency pruning services in 2025, be awarded to Lange Bros. (Tavistock) Limited in the amount of up to $257,075, including HST.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council authorize the requested changes to the agreement with the Stratford Municipal Golf Course Association for the lease of the golf course on Norfolk Street;

    AND THAT Mayor and City Clerk, or designates, be authorized to sign the amending agreement.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT City Council issue a notice of intention, consistent with Heritage Stratford’s recommendation, to designate 15 Huron Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, specifically the:

    1. Dufton Chimney Tower and features; including the top structure with weathervane
    2. Original stone walls throughout the garden design
    3. Huron Street lychgate
    4. Knot Garden
    5. Herb Garden
    6. Rose Garden
    7. Perennial Border Garden
    8. Walkway lamp lighting
    9. Sundial within the confines of the Garden
    10. Bust of William Shakespeare

    AND THAT, subject to designation, a commemorative plaque be installed on the subject lands.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the City of Stratford Comprehensive Zoning By-law 10-2022 be amended by removing the Holding Provision (H22) from the property known municipally as 16 Kastner Street being Block 44 on Plan 44M-93 for the following reasons:

    • The prerequisite for the removal of the Holding Provision has been satisfied;
    • Removal of the Holding Provision shall allow the development of the subject lands in conformity with the City of Stratford Official Plan and consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement. 
  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council adopt the City of Stratford’s 2024 Water and Wastewater Rate Study and O. Reg 453/07 Financial Plan prepared by DFA Infrastructure International Incorporated;

    THAT Council approve the proposed Water and Wastewater Rates for implementation effective January 1, 2025;

    AND THAT Council amend Fees and Charges By-law 99-2024 to revise the Water and Wastewater Rates for implementation effective January 1, 2025.

  • Motion by

    THAT the Report of the Social Services Committee dated December 16, 2024, be adopted as printed.

THAT the report titled, “Update on the Provincial Centralized Intake Initiative” (SOC24-013), be received for information.

THAT the report titled, “EarlyON Service Provider Transition Update” (SOC24-014), be received for information.

Stratford City Council will hold a public meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., in Council Chambers to hear all interested persons with respect to the proposed declaration as surplus and disposition of 270 Water Street, Stratford. 

Additional details about the public meeting and the proposed disposition are provided in the attached Notice.

​The following By-laws require First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings and could be taken collectively upon unanimous vote of Council present:

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.14 be taken collectively. 

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.14 be read a First and Second Time. 

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.14 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed. 

To authorize the entering into and execution of an agreement with The Humane Society of Kitchener-Waterloo and Stratford-Perth for the provision of animal control and pound services from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2028.

To authorize the acceptance of a tender, execution of the contract and the undertaking of the work by Ontario Oasis for the supply and delivery of bedding plants for 2025 through 2028 (T-2024-34).

To amend By-law 10-2022 as amended, with respect to Zoning By-law Amendment application Z07-22 by Paradize Properties Development Ltd. to amend the zoning at 3980 Road 111 within Draft Plan of Subdivision 31T22-001 to be ‘Medium Density Residential’ (R4) as described herein.

To adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 35 to redesignate the lands municipally known as 3980 Road 111 in the City of Stratford to “Medium Density Residential” designation.

To authorize an interim tax levy for 2025 and to govern and regulate the finances of The Corporation of the City of Stratford for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025.

To authorize the temporary borrowing of funds from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025 until municipal taxes are collected.

To authorize the acceptance of a tender, execution of the contract and the undertaking of the work by Tree Tech Tree and Property Maintenance Specialists Inc. for the removal of designated trees and stumps in 2025 (T-2024-31).

To authorize the acceptance of a tender, execution of the contract and the undertaking of the work by Tree Tech Tree and Property Maintenance Specialists Inc. for the removal of designated stumps in 2025 (T-2024-31).

To authorize the acceptance of a tender, execution of the contract and the undertaking of the work by Lange Bros. (Tavistock) Limited for regular, overtime, and emergency pruning services in 2025 (T-2024-31).

To amend the Fees and Charges By-law 99-2024, to change the rates for water and wastewater services.

To authorize the execution of an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Stratford Municipal Golf Course Association for the lease of the municipal golf course on Norfolk Street.

To amend drainage assessments estimated in the Engineer’s Report based on actual costs incurred for the construction of the Kelly Drain in the City of Stratford.

To amend By-law 10-2022 as amended, with respect to the removal of Holding Provision (H22) from the zoning of certain lands legally described as Part of Lot 5, Concession 2 (geographic Township of Ellice), now City of Stratford, being Block 44 on Plan 44M-93.

To amend By-law 4-2023, as amended, to make appointments to the Stratfords of the World (Ontario) Advisory Committee.

The next Regular Council meeting is January 13, 2025 in the Council Chamber, City Hall.

  • Motion by

    THAT the Council meeting adjourn to convene into Standing Committees as follows:

    • Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee [7:05 or thereafter following the Regular Council meeting]; and
    • Finance and Labour Relations Committee [7:10 or thereafter following the Regular Council meeting];

    and to Committee of the Whole if necessary, and to reconvene into Council.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest made at Standing Committee meetings held on December 16, 2024, with respect to the following Items and re-stated at the reconvene portion of the Council meeting:

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest

The following By-law requires First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings. 

By-law 11.15 Confirmatory By-law

To confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford at its meeting held on December 16, 2024.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.15 be read a First and Second Time.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.15 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed. 

Meeting Start Time:
Meeting End Time:

  • Motion by

    THAT the December 16, 2024, Regular Council meeting adjourn.

No Item Selected