Staff Recommendation: THAT the Zoning By-law amendment, as recommended by staff for application Z07-22 to rezone the subject lands municipally known as 3980 Road 111 to Residential Fourth Density Zone with site specific regulations (R4), BE APPROVED.
THAT the Official Plan amendment, as recommended by staff for application OPA 001-22 to redesignate the subject lands municipally known as 3980 Road 111 to Medium Density Residential BE APPROVED.
THAT Draft Plan of Subdivision 31T-2201, submitted by Paradize Properties Development Ltd. prepared by Municipal Development and Planning Services Inc. (MDPS), dated August 28, 2024 for lands known municipally as 3980 Road 111 originally surveyed by Trevor D.A. Mc Neill, O.L.S., on May 3,2022, , BE APROVED by the City of Stratford pursuant to Section 51(31) of the Planning Act subject to the conditions listed in Attachment 3 to Report COU24-152).
Approval of the Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments, and the Draft Plan of Subdivision is recommended for the following reasons:
- Public interest was considered;
- The recommended approvals are consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement;
- The recommended Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments will facilitate development that is appropriate for the lands;
- It will provide for a range of housing types to meet the needs of existing and future residents; and
- It is an efficient use of land and infrastructure.