Stratford City Council
Regular Council Open Session

Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall
Council Present:
  • Mayor Ritsma - Chair Presiding, 
  • Councillor Beatty, 
  • Councillor Biehn, 
  • Councillor Briscoe, 
  • Councillor Burbach, 
  • Councillor Henderson, 
  • Councillor McCabe, 
  • Councillor Nijjar, 
  • Councillor Sebben, 
  • and Councillor Wordofa 
Staff Present:
  • Joan Thomson - Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Tatiana Dafoe - City Clerk, 
  • Kim McElroy - Director of Social Services, 
  • Tim Wolfe - Director of Community Services, 
  • Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, 
  • Karmen Krueger - Director of Corporate Services, 
  • Adam Betteridge - Director of Building and Planning Services, 
  • Neil Anderson - Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, 
  • Dave Bush - Director of Human Resources, 
  • and Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk 

To watch the Council meeting live, please click the following link:

A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.

Mayor Ritsma, Chair presiding, to call the Council meeting to order.

Councillor Hunter has provided regrets for this meeting.

Land Acknowledgment

Moment of Silent Reflection

Singing of O Canada

Respectful Workplace Policy Statement

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and to otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest



  • Motion by

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford dated September 23, 2024 be adopted as printed.

  • Motion by

    ​THAT the Addendum/Addenda to the Regular Agenda of Council and Standing Committees dated October 15, 2024, be added to the Agenda as printed.

4.1 Confidential Report of the Chief Administrative Officer with respect to the Proposed Disposition of Land - 270 Water Street (CM-24-01) – proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land s. 239(2)(c) and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(k))

4.2 Confidential Report of the Chief Administrative Officer with respect to a Shared Services Agreement (CM-24-02) – advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose (section 239.(2)(f)) and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(k))

Stephen Owen, Community Engagement Coordinator, Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario, will be speaking to Council to provide information on work being done by the Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario in Stratford and area. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Stephen Owen be heard.

Following the presentation by staff, Caroline Baker, Principal of Baker Planning Group will present the application on behalf of the applicant. The following persons have then requested to speak to this matter:

  • Eva Bailey, Henroy Bailey and Garvia Bailey
  • Motion by

    THAT Caroline Baker, Eva Bailey, Henroy Bailey and Garvia Bailey be heard.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Application Z01-24 to amend the zoning of 93 Trinity Street from a Factory District I4 Zone to a Residential Fifth Density R5(3) Special R5(3)-2 Zone with site specific regulations BE APPROVED to allow:

    1. the uses of “Cluster Townhouse Dwellings”, “Stacked Townhouse Dwellings”, and “Street Townhouse Dwellings” to the permitted uses, in addition to all other uses permitted in the R5 Zone.
    2. Notwithstanding Section 3, the lot lines shall be deemed as follows:
      1. Douro Street – Front Lot Line
      2. Trinty Street – Exterior Side Lot Line
      3. King Street – Exterior Side Lot Line
    3. Notwithstanding Section 4.20.1, balconies, porches, and decks are permitted to encroach into the required front yard setback and exterior side yard setback and shall be no closer than 0 metres from the lot line of an existing building.
    4. Notwithstanding Section 4.20.1, architectural adornments including but necessarily restricted to, sills, belt courses, chimneys, cornices, eaves, gutters, parapets, and pilasters, shall be no closer than 0 metres from any lot line to an existing building.
    5. Notwithstanding Section 4.30.1, a walkway connecting to a dwelling unit shall have a maximum width of 2.0 metres.
    6. Notwithstanding Section 5.0, off-street parking shall be provided as follows:
      1. Studio/1 Bedroom Dwelling Unit: 0.75 parking spaces/unit, plus 0.14 parking spaces/unit dedicated to visitor parking
      2. 2 and 3-Bedroom Dwelling Unit: 1 parking spaces/unit, plus 0.14 parking spaces/unit dedicated to visitor parking
      3. Any form of Townhouse Dwelling: 1.25 parking spaces/unit, plus 0.14 parking spaces/unit dedicated to visitor parking
    7. Notwithstanding Table 5.4.4, one (1) loading space per 100 dwelling unit is required.
    8. Notwithstanding Table 6.4.5:
      1. Maximum Density:
        • 1.45 Floor Space Ratio
      2. Maximum Lot Coverage: 40%
      3. Maximum Height: 36 metres
      4. Minimum Front Yard Setback:
        • Existing Buildings: 0 metres
        • New buildings: 3.0 metres
      5. Minimum Exterior Side Yard Setback (Trinity Street):
        • Existing Buildings: 0 metres
        • New buildings: 1.5 metres
      6. Minimum exterior Side Yard Setback (King Street):
        • New Buildings: 3.0 metres
      7. Minimum setback to a property line for any building or structure with a height greater than 22 metres: 17 metres
      8. Minimum Rear Yard Setback:
        • Any Townhouse Dwelling: 1.5 metres
        • Apartment Building: 7.5 metres
    9. For the purposes of the R5(3)-2 Zone, Floor Space Ratio shall mean the figure obtained when the gross floor area on a lot is divided by the lot area. Only gross floor area that constitutes a storey shall contribute to the calculation of the Floor Space Ratio.


    1. THAT only one building with a height greater than 22 metres be developed on the subject land and;
    2. THAT the overall density and landscaped open space of the development remain consistent with what is shown on the submitted preliminary Site Plan;

    THAT the approval be granted for the following reasons:

    1. The request is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement;
    2. The request is in conformity with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Plan;
    3. The zone change will facilitate the redevelopment of a vacant industrial property for residential purposes appropriate for the subject lands;
    4. Inclusion and comprehensive analysis of public feedback received during the application circulation and at the public meeting has been appropriately addressed within the Planning Report;

    AND THAT no further notice be required under Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council directs City staff to develop a Request for Expression of Interest [REOI] process to gauge developer interest in the municipal lands at 38 Coriano Street and 161 East Gore Street;

    THAT the REOI be developed to attract developers engaged in the creation of affordable and attainable units of housing on the lands in question;

    THAT a report be prepared for Council’s consideration following the evaluation process;  

    THAT the City issue an RFP to create two new affordable housing units at 246 Railway in the most efficient and economically sustainable way possible; 

    AND THAT the Matrix of evaluation criteria account for donated goods and in kind services.

Zac Gribble, Executive Director of Destination Stratford, to present the Destination Stratford By-law Amendment report. 

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Consumption of Liquor with Food in Designated Public Places By-law 37-2021, as amended, be further amended to:

    • Change the Permitted Spaces and Hours in section 3(b) to:
      • The hours that Liquor may be consumed in any Permitted Spaces are as follows:
        • Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
        • Friday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    • Replace the Terms and Conditions for the Consumption in Permitted Spaces Section 5 to:
      • The consumption of Liquor in the Permitted Spaces shall only be permitted subject to the following terms and conditions:
        • Only Liquor purchased from City restaurants registered in the Stratford Al Fresco program shall be allowed in the Permitted Spaces;
        • The consumption of Liquor must be in a responsible manner and in compliance with all Applicable Laws including all City policies, by-laws, practices and procedures; and
        • Liquor shall not be consumed in any area situated outside of the designated Permitted Spaces.
  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the request to nominate a second member of Stratford City Council to the Destination Stratford Board of Directors be received;

    AND THAT direction be given with respect to Option 1 or Option 2.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council approve the application for part lot control exemptions for a one (1) year term from the date of this Council approval for lands legally described as Lot 3 of Registered Plan 44M-91 and more specifically as Parts 1-13 of Reference Plan 44R-6259, municipally addressed as 53-55 Worsley Street.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council authorize the extension agreement with Mosey & Mosey benefit consultants;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to execute the agreement.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council support the City’s application to the Connecting Links Program 2025-2026 of $3,000,000 for Phase 2 of the Huron Street Reconstruction project, with the remainder of the project funded from capital reserve funds committed to this project;

    THAT Council authorizes proceeding with the Huron Street Reconstruction Phase 2 project, from Matilda Street to John Street, as outlined in the ten-year capital program at an estimated cost of $6,300,000;

    AND THAT the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to sign and submit the application on behalf of the City.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the encroachment application for 370 Ontario Street to permit the existing asphalt parking space, concrete walkway, concrete pad with stairs, covered porch, gravel walkway, garden/bushes and sign to encroach onto the Ontario Street road allowance for a total encroachment area of 55.69m2, be approved;

    THAT the annual fee of $414.91 adjusted yearly by the CPI, be added to the property tax bill for 370 Ontario Street;

    AND THAT the City Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law authorizing the encroachment at 370 Ontario Street.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council authorize the conveyance of Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 44R-6254 from Chancery Development Ltd. to The Corporation of the City of Stratford;

    AND THAT upon conveyance of Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 44R-6254 to the City of Stratford, these lands be dedicated as public highway forming part of Ontario Street.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the encroachment application for 639, 649 and 663 Ontario Street to permit the following:

    • wood porch and steps located at 639 Ontario Street (Lot 49);
    • sidewalk (ramped) and sign located at 649 Ontario Street (Lot 50/51/52); and
    • enclosed porch and steps located at 663 Ontario Street (Lot 53)

    to encroach onto the Ontario Street road allowance for a total encroachment area of 44.04m2, be approved;

    THAT the retaining wall garden where a mature tree was removed at 649 Ontario Street be removed at the sole cost of the owner;

    THAT the concrete sidewalk and step off the City sidewalk at 649 Ontario Street be removed at the sole cost of the owner;

    THAT the annual fee of $133.56 adjusted yearly by the CPI, be added to the property tax bill for 639, 649, and 663 Ontario Street;

    AND THAT the City Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law authorizing the encroachment at 639, 649, and 663 Ontario Street.

The 2024 theme for Ontario Public Library Week is "Libraries for Life" focusing on the role Libraries play in supporting individual and collective connections to the past and future of our communities, nations and civilizations. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Stratford City Council hereby proclaims October 20 to 26, 2024 as Ontario Public Library Week in the City of Stratford and encourages all residents of Stratford to show support for our local public library by visiting the library year round to utilize the wide variety of services offered. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Stratford City Council hereby proclaims the month of October as Probus Month in the City of Stratford to raise awareness of the Probus Club,  serving as a social group for retired individuals.

  • Motion by

    THAT Stratford City Council hereby proclaims the month of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month in the City of Stratford to raise awareness to be a part of continuing conversation about disability inclusion in employment, in business and in our communities. 

  • Motion by

    THAT the Report of the Social Services Committee dated October 15, 2024, be adopted as printed.

THAT the City of Stratford issue a thank you to all businesses that provided their support and services during the Annual Community Income Tax Clinic.

THAT the report titled, “Supported Transitional Housing Pilot Project” (SOC24-011), be received for information.

THAT The Corporation of the City of Stratford enter into an agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron-Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services for the operation of the North Perth Fixed Site Supported Housing program;

THAT The Corporation of the City of Stratford enter into an agreement with Little Lake Residential for the operation of the St. Marys Fixed Site Supported Housing program;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the agreements with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron-Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services and Little Lake Residential on behalf of The Corporation of the City of Stratford.

  • Motion by

    THAT the Report of the Finance and Labour Relations Committee dated October 15, 2024, be adopted as printed.

THAT the report titled, “Update of Natural Gas and Electricity Procurement” (FIN24-028), dated September 17, 2024, be received for information.

THAT the 2023 Treasurer’s Statement for City of Stratford Development Charges Reserve Funds be received for information;

AND THAT the 2023 Treasurer’s Statement for City of Stratford Parkland Dedication Reserve Fund be received for information.

THAT the report titled, “Second Quarter 2024 Operating Variance Report” (FIN24-027) dated September 17, 2024, be received for information.

THAT the request from the Stratfords of the World Advisory Committee to assist members with registration costs relating to the January 2025 New Zealand Reunion, be approved;

AND THAT Council direct the Director of Corporate Services to identify the funding source options at a future meeting.

None noted.

​The following By-laws require First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings and could be taken collectively upon unanimous vote of Council present:

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.1 to 11.11 be taken collectively.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.11 be read a First and Second Time.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.11 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed. 

To authorize the execution of the Benefit Consulting Services Agreement with Mosey & Mosey for a three year term with an option to renew for two additional one year periods.

To amend By-law 79-2024 to reflect the owner of Part 2 on Reference Plan 44R-5971 is Legion Valet Parking.

To authorize the entering into and execution of an encroachment agreement with 6520910 Canada Corporation to permit the existing wood porch and steps located at 639 Ontario Street (Lot 49), sidewalk (ramped) and sign located at 649 Ontario Street (Lot 50/51/52) and the enclosed porch and steps located at 663 Ontario Street (Lot 53) to encroach onto the Ontario Street municipal road allowance at 639, 649 and 663 Ontario Street.

To authorize the entering into and execution of an encroachment agreement with 6520910 Canada Corporation to permit the existing asphalt parking space, concrete walkway, concrete pad with stairs, covered porch, gravel walkway, garden/bushes and sign to encroach onto the Ontario Street municipal road allowance at 370 Ontario Street.

To exempt Lot 3, Registered Plan 44M-91 from the provisions of part-lot control for a period of one (1) year for the purpose of conveying semi-detached dwelling units to individual owners.

To authorize the execution of the Purchase of Service Agreement with CMHA Huron Perth Addiction and Mental Health Services for the North Perth Fixed Site Supported Housing Program.

To authorize the execution of the Purchase of Service Agreement with Little Lake Residential for the St. Marys Fixed Site Supported Housing Program.

To amend the Consumption of Liquor with Food in Designated Public Places By-law 37-2021, as amended, to change the permitted spaces and hours and the terms and conditions for the consumption in permitted spaces.

To accept the transfer (conveyance) from Chancery Development Ltd. of Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 44R-6254.

To dedicate Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 44R-6254 as public highway forming part of Ontario Street in the City of Stratford.

To amend By-law 10-2022 as amended, with respect Zoning By-law Amendment application Z01-24, 93 Trinity Street, legally described as all of Lots 501-504, 531-534, 551-558, 575-582, 599, 600, 630-632, 649-651 and 656 of Part of College Street (Closed), Registered Plan No. 47, City of Stratford.

The next Regular Council meeting is October 28, 2024 in the Council Chamber, City Hall.

  • Motion by

    THAT the Council meeting adjourn to convene into Standing Committee as follows:

    • Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee [7:05 p.m. or thereafter following the Regular Council meeting]

    and to Committee of the Whole if necessary, and to reconvene into Council.

The following By-law requires First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings. 

By-law 11.12 Confirmatory By-law

To confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford at its meeting held on October 15, 2024.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.12 be read a First and Second Time.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.12 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed. 

Meeting Start Time:
Meeting End Time:

  • Motion by

    THAT the October 15, 2024, Regular Council meeting adjourn.

No Item Selected