Staff Recommendation: THAT the encroachment application for 639, 649 and 663 Ontario Street to permit the following:
- wood porch and steps located at 639 Ontario Street (Lot 49);
- sidewalk (ramped) and sign located at 649 Ontario Street (Lot 50/51/52); and
- enclosed porch and steps located at 663 Ontario Street (Lot 53)
to encroach onto the Ontario Street road allowance for a total encroachment area of 44.04m2, be approved;
THAT the retaining wall garden where a mature tree was removed at 649 Ontario Street be removed at the sole cost of the owner;
THAT the concrete sidewalk and step off the City sidewalk at 649 Ontario Street be removed at the sole cost of the owner;
THAT the annual fee of $133.56 adjusted yearly by the CPI, be added to the property tax bill for 639, 649, and 663 Ontario Street;
AND THAT the City Clerk be directed to prepare a by-law authorizing the encroachment at 639, 649, and 663 Ontario Street.