The Corporation of the City of Stratford
Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Sub-committee
Open Session

Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall
Sub-committee Present:
  • Councillor Burbach - Chair Presiding, 
  • Councillor Nijjar - Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor Beatty, 
  • Councillor Hunter, 
  • and Councillor McCabe 
Staff Present:
  • Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, 
  • Neil Anderson - Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, 
  • Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk, 
  • Miranda Franken - Council Clerk Secretary, 
  • and Sadaf Ghalib - Manager of Climate Change Programs 

To watch the Sub-committee meeting live, please click the following link:

A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.

​The Chair to call the Meeting to Order.

Land Acknowledgment

Moment of Silent Reflection

Respectful Workplace Policy Statement

​The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest

None scheduled. 

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) be adopted;

    THAT staff be directed to:

    • Identify and advance actions in CCAP that can be implemented within the existing staffing capacity and budget resources;
    • Include CCAP programs and supporting resources required for consideration in the 2025 multi-year budget process;

    AND THAT staff be authorized to continue to explore potential funding opportunities through senior levels of government.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the repair of the fire utility vehicle in the amount of $28,025 be authorized.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT staff be authorized to use the Canoe procurement group to proceed with the procurement process to purchase a Pierce Quintuple Combination Pumper fire apparatus.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT direction be given on the noise exemption requested by the Playmakers! Theatre School for the Stratford Lantern Parade event on Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. from the following provisions:

    • Unreasonable Noise [Schedule 1 clause 8];
    • The operation of loudspeakers and amplification of sound [Schedule 2 clause 2];
    • Loading and unloading [Schedule 2 clause 4].

The Director/Manager to provide an update on department activities and ongoing projects. A copy of the update will be posted to the City's website on the "Engineering Division" page. 

There are no Advisory Committee or Outside Board minutes to be provided to Sub-committee. 

The next Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Sub-committee meeting is September 25, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall.

​Meeting Start Time:
Meeting End Time:

  • Motion by

    Sub-committee Decision: ​THAT the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Sub-committee meeting adjourn.