Stratford City Council
Regular Council Open Session

Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall
Council Present:
  • Mayor Ritsma - Chair Presiding, 
  • Councillor Beatty, 
  • Councillor Biehn, 
  • Councillor Briscoe, 
  • Councillor Burbach, 
  • Councillor Henderson, 
  • Councillor Hunter, 
  • Councillor McCabe, 
  • Councillor Nijjar, 
  • Councillor Sebben, 
  • and Councillor Wordofa 
Staff Present:
  • Joan Thomson - Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk, 
  • Kim McElroy - Director of Social Services, 
  • Tim Wolfe - Director of Community Services, 
  • Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, 
  • Karmen Krueger - Director of Corporate Services, 
  • Adam Betteridge - Director of Building and Planning Services, 
  • Neil Anderson - Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, 
  • Dave Bush- Director of Human Resources, 
  • and Miranda Franken - Council Clerk Secretary 

To watch the Council meeting live, please click the following link:

A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.

Mayor Ritsma, Chair presiding, to call the Council meeting to order.

Land Acknowledgment

Moment of Silent Reflection

Singing of O Canada

Respectful Workplace Policy Statement

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and to otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest



  • Motion by

    THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford dated July 8, 2024 be adopted as printed.

  • Motion by

    ​THAT the Addendum/Addenda to the Regular Agenda of Council and Standing Committees dated July 22, 2024 be added to the Agenda as printed.

4.1 Proposed Disposition of Land (Long-Term Care Home) - Proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(c)) (includes municipal property leased for more than 21 years), and Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose (section 239.(2)(f)), and A position,

At the In-camera Session, a report and advice subject to solicitor client privilege were received. Direction was given to staff and legal counsel to continue negotiations.

4.1 Proposed Disposition of Land in the Crane West Business Park - Proposed or pending acquisition or disposal of land by the municipality or local board (section 239.(2)(c)) (includes municipal property leased for more than 21 years);

5.1 Judicial Review: Stratford (City) v. Stratford Professional Fire Fighters Association Local 534 - Labour relations or employee negotiations (section 239.(2)(d)).

Bob Ivison and Susan Ellis will be addressing Council regarding Communities in Bloom judging taking place in Stratford. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Bob Ivison, International Communities in Bloom Judge and Susan Ellis, National Chair Person, Communities in Bloom Board of Directors, be heard. 

The following persons have requested to speak in support of the motion to be considered under Item 8.1:

  • Ken Wood
  • Robert Roth - will be requesting that the policy be amended to not apply to delegations or meetings.
  • Jane Marie Mitchell
  • David Yates
  • Tim Forster - will be requesting that the policy be suspended and not amended to be kept in force while a review is undertaken and that the Respectful Workplace Policy Statement be removed from the opening comments of meetings.

Correspondence was received from Joan Bidell in support of the motion to be considered under Item 8.1.

  • Motion by

    THAT Ken Wood, Robert Roth, Jane Marie Mitchell, David Yates and Tim Forster be heard.

  • Motion by

    THAT the correspondence from Joan Bidell dated July 18, 2024, be received.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the report titled Housing Projects and Initiatives Update (COU24-081) be received as information.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Maintenance Cost Apportionment Agreement for the Crossing Warning System for Line 29 between The Corporation of the City of Stratford, The Corporation of the Township of Perth South and Canadian National Railway Company, to revise the cost apportionment with the Township;

    THAT the effective date for the City of Stratford be 01 January 2024, subject to Council approval;

    AND THAT the Delegation of Authority By-law 135-2017 as amended, be further amended to delegate its authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into agreements and amending agreements with railway companies and road authorities for railway lines crossing municipal roads, including but not limited to apportionment of costs for crossing warning systems, operating and maintenance and upgrade costs, with signed copies to be provided to the Clerk’s Office and Infrastructure Services Department.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT a by-law to abandon portions of the Mullin Municipal Drain within the limits of the City of Stratford in accordance with the Drainage Act, be adopted.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Request for Proposal (RFP-2024-12) for the design, supply, delivery, and installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Shakespeare Park be awarded to PlayPower LT Canada Inc. in the amount of $118,761.87, including HST.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the Tender (T-2024-17) for the Perth Line 36 Culvert Replacement Project be awarded to Lavis Contracting Co. Limited, at a total tender price of $786,199.47, including HST;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the necessary Contract Agreement for construction contract T-2024-17.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT Council approves the investment into three additional full-time positions for the Human Resources Department;

    AND THAT the Director of Human Resources be authorized to proceed with recruitment of these positions.

  • Motion by

    Staff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy” (COU24-080), be received for information.

The 2024 Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day theme is Worth More, as part of the continuing campaign for decent work and pay for the early years and child care workforce. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Stratford City Council hereby proclaims October 24, 2024 as the 24th annual "Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day" to recognize the education, dedication and commitment of child care workers to children, their families and quality of life of the community. 

  • Motion by

    THAT Stratford City Council hereby proclaims September 23-29, 2024 as Rail Safety Week in support of CN and Operation Lifesaver ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities including our municipality.

At the July 8, 2024, Regular Council meeting, notice was given that Councillor Sebben intended to put forward the following motion for consideration:

THAT the "Respectful Workplace Policy," policy number H.1.36, be suspended;

AND THAT staff provide options for the review of this policy to council for consideration at a future meeting. 

  • Motion by

    THAT the "Respectful Workplace Policy," policy number H.1.36, be suspended;

    AND THAT staff provide options for the review of this policy to council for consideration at a future meeting. 

  • Motion by

    THAT the Report of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee dated July 22, 2024 be adopted as printed.

THAT Council consider any comments received as part of the Stratford Landfill Public Input June 2024;

AND THAT the report titled Stratford Landfill Public Input Invite June 2024 (ITS24-012) be received for information.

THAT approval be granted to the event organizers from Memorial Baptist Church, located at 113 Bruce Street, Stratford for an exemption to Noise Control By-law 113-79 for a private event to be held on Saturday, August 10, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. from the following provisions:

  • Unreasonable noise [Schedule 1 clause 8]
  • The operation of loudspeakers and amplification of sound [Schedule 2 Clause 2]

None scheduled. 

​The following By-laws require First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings and could be taken collectively upon unanimous vote of Council present:

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.4 be taken collectively. 

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.4 be read a First and Second Time.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-laws 11.1 to 11.4 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed. 

To amend By-law 135-2017, as amended, to delegate Council’s authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into agreements and amending agreements with railway companies and road authorities for railway lines crossing municipal roads, including but not limited to apportionment of costs for crossing warning systems, operating and maintenance and upgrade costs.

To abandon a portion of the Mullin Municipal Drain in the City of Stratford.

To authorize the acceptance of a proposal from PlayPower LT Canada Inc. for the design, supply, delivery, and installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Shakespeare Park (RFP-2024-12).

To authorize the acceptance of a tender, execution of a contract and the undertaking of work from Lavis Contracting Co. Limited for the Perth Line 36 Culvert Replacement Project (T-2024-17).

The next Regular Council meeting is August 12, 2024 in the Council Chamber, City Hall.

  • Motion by

    THAT the Council meeting adjourn to convene into Standing Committees as follows:

    • Community Services Committee [7:05 P.M. or thereafter following the Regular Council meeting]

    and to Committee of the Whole if necessary, and to reconvene into Council.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest made at Standing Committee meetings held on July 22, 2024 with respect to the following Items and re-stated at the reconvene portion of the Council meeting:

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest


The following By-law requires First and Second Readings and Third and Final Readings:

By-law 11.5 Confirmatory By-law

To confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of the City of Stratford at its meeting held on July 22, 2024.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.5 be read a First and Second Time.

  • Motion by

    THAT By-law 11.5 be read a Third Time and Finally Passed.

Meeting Start Time:
Meeting End Time:

  • Motion by

    THAT the July 22, 2024 Regular Council meeting adjourn.

No Item Selected