The Corporation of the City of StratfordInfrastructure, Transportation and Safety CommitteeOpen SessionAGENDAMeeting #:Date:Monday, December 16, 2024Time: 7:10 P.m. - 9:10 P.m.Location:Council Chamber, City HallCommittee Present:Councillor Burbach - Chair Presiding, Councillor Nijjar - Vice Chair, Mayor Ritsma, Councillor Biehn, Councillor Briscoe, Councillor Henderson, Councillor Hunter, Councillor McCabe, Councillor Sebben, and Councillor Wordofa Staff Present:Joan Thomson - Chief Administrative Officer, Tatiana Dafoe - City Clerk, Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, Adam Betteridge - Director of Building and Planning Services, Neil Anderson - Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, Karmen Krueger - Director of Corporate Services, Kim McElroy - Director of Social Services, Tim Wolfe - Director of Community Services, Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk, and Dave Bush To watch the Committee meeting live, please click the following link: A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.1.Call to Order The Chair to call the Meeting to Order.Councillor Beatty provided regrets for this meeting. 2.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act. Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest3.Sub-committee Minutes 1.20241127 - Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Sub-committee Minutes - November 27 2024.pdfSub-committee minutes are attached for background regarding the discussion held at the November 27, 2024, Sub-committee meeting.4.Delegations None scheduled. 5.Report of the Climate Change Program Manager 5.1Annual Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2023 (COU24-021) 1.Annual Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2023.pdfStaff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Annual Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2023” (ITS24-021), be received for information.Motion bySub-committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Annual Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2023” (ITS24-021), be received for information.6.Report of the Manager of Environmental Services 6.1Dunn Road Well Failure - Emergency Purchase Update Report (ITS24-020) - Dunn Road Well - Emergency Purchase Update Report.pdfStaff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Dunn Road Well Failure - Emergency Purchase Update Report” (ITS24-020), be received as per Section 39.1.b. of the City of Stratford’s Purchasing Policy P.5.1.Motion bySub-committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Dunn Road Well Failure - Emergency Purchase Update Report” (ITS24-020), be received as per Section 39.1.b. of the City of Stratford’s Purchasing Policy P. Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) - Primary Digester Roof Failure - Update Report (ITS24-023) - WPCP Digester Update.pdfStaff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Stratford Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) - Primary Digester Roof Failure - Update Report” (ITS24-023), be received per Section 39.1.b. of the City of Stratford’s Purchasing Policy P.5.1.Motion bySub-committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Stratford Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) - Primary Digester Roof Failure - Update Report” (ITS24-023), be received per Section 39.1.b. of the City of Stratford’s Purchasing Policy P.5.1.7.Report of the Supervisor of Waste Operations 7.1Stratford Landfill Public Input Invite November 2024 (ITS24-022) 1.Stratford Landfill Public Input Invite November 2024.pdfStaff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Stratford Landfill Public Input November 2024” (ITS24-022), be received for information.Motion bySub-committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Stratford Landfill Public Input November 2024” (ITS24-022), be received for information.8.For the Information of Committee 8.1Department Update A copy of the update was posted to the City's website on the "Engineering Division" page. 8.2Advisory Committee/Outside Board Minutes There were no Advisory Committee/Outside Board minutes to be provided to Committee. 9.Adjournment Meeting Start Time: Meeting End Time:Motion byCommittee Decision: THAT the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee meeting adjourn.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Annual Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions – 2023.pdf1.11.27.2024 - Dunn Road Well - Emergency Purchase Update Report.pdf1.11.27.2024 - WPCP Digester Update.pdf1.Stratford Landfill Public Input Invite November 2024.pdf1.20241127 - Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Sub-committee Minutes - November 27 2024.pdf