The Corporation of the City of Stratford
Social Services Committee
Open Session

Meeting #:
Council Chamber, City Hall
Committee Present:
  • Councillor Henderson - Chair Presiding, 
  • Councillor Briscoe - Vice Chair, 
  • Mayor Ritsma, 
  • Councillor Beatty, 
  • Councillor Biehn, 
  • Councillor Burbach, 
  • Councillor Hunter, 
  • Councillor McCabe, 
  • Councillor Nijjar, 
  • Councillor Sebben, 
  • and Councillor Wordofa 
Staff Present:
  • Joan Thomson - Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Kim McElroy - Director of Social Services, 
  • Tatiana Dafoe - City Clerk, 
  • Karmen Krueger - Director of Corporate Services, 
  • Taylor Crinklaw - Director of Infrastructure Services, 
  • Tim Wolfe - Director of Community Services, 
  • Adam Betteridge - Director of Building and Planning Services, 
  • Dave Bush - Director of Human Resources, 
  • Chris Van Bargen - Deputy Fire Chief, 
  • and Audrey Pascual - Deputy Clerk 

To watch the Committee meeting live, please click the following link:

A video recording of the meeting will also be available through a link on the City's website following the meeting.

​The Chair to call the Meeting to Order.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature of Pecuniary Interest

​Sub-committee minutes are attached for background regarding the discussion held at the January 14, 2025, Sub-committee meeting.

None scheduled

Staff Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Ontario Works 2024 Business Plan” (SOC25-001), be received for information.

  • Motion by

    Sub-committee Recommendation: THAT the report titled, “Ontario Works 2024 Business Plan” (SOC25-001), be received for information.

Staff Recommendation: THAT the Corporation of the City of Stratford enter into a three-year agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services for the provision of services defined in the Outreach Worker Service Agreement;

THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the Outreach Worker Service Agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services;

AND THAT the Director of Social Services be authorized to approve any contract amendments, subject to no changes to the financial considerations or identified performance concerns, for the duration of the contract and subject to providing the City Clerk with any approved contract amendments.

  • Motion by

    Sub-committee Recommendation: THAT the Corporation of the City of Stratford enter into a three-year agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services for the provision of services defined in the Outreach Worker Service Agreement;

    THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the Outreach Worker Service Agreement with the Canadian Mental Health Association Huron Perth Addictions and Mental Health Services;

    AND THAT the Director of Social Services be authorized to approve any contract amendments, subject to no changes to the financial considerations or identified performance concerns, for the duration of the contract and subject to providing the City Clerk with any approved contract amendments.

Staff Recommendation: THAT Council authorize The Corporation of the City of Stratford to enter into an agreement with Optimism Place, Women’s Shelter, and Support Services for the provision of services defined in the Outreach Worker Service Agreement;

THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the Outreach Worker Service Agreement with Optimism Place, Women’s Shelter, and Support Services;

AND THAT the Director of Social Services be authorized to approve any contract amendments, subject to no changes to the financial considerations or identified performance concerns, for the duration of the contract and subject to a copy of any approved amended contract being provided to the City Clerk.

  • Motion by

    Sub-committee Recommendation: THAT Council authorize The Corporation of the City of Stratford to enter into an agreement with Optimism Place, Women’s Shelter, and Support Services for the provision of services defined in the Outreach Worker Service Agreement;

    THAT the Mayor and Clerk, or their respective delegates, be authorized to sign the Outreach Worker Service Agreement with Optimism Place, Women’s Shelter, and Support Services;

    AND THAT the Director of Social Services be authorized to approve any contract amendments, subject to no changes to the financial considerations or identified performance concerns, for the duration of the contract and subject to a copy of any approved amended contract being provided to the City Clerk.

The following Department Update Infographics of November 2024 have been provided for the information of Committee:

  • Monthly Children's Services Report
  • Monthly Homelessness Report 
  • Monthly Housing Report 
  • Monthly Ontario Works Report 

​Meeting Start Time:
Meeting End Time:

  • Motion by

    ​Committee Decision: THAT the Social Services Committee meeting adjourn.